Returning home???

It is an odd experience, moving back to the place I was born yet it feels incredibly foreign. The simplest things like, trying to organise your tax file number which is referred to as a IRD number is strange. The processes in place seem overly complicated like I do not understand why with every form or application I try to complete, why I need to the take my identification to get it “verified” by a justice of the peace, school principal, etc etc just to complete one damn form.

I mean I’m a Maori right? I was born here.
I’ve got a New Zealand passport.
A New Zealand birth certificate.
This is meant to be my home, right?

I’m Maori but I’ve lived in Australia most of my life.
I come home and I don’t get identified as Maori, I get told I’m a mozzie. (Australian – Maori)
It’s almost as though my own people have decided to disown me because I left our land to find better work in order to sustain my family. This animosity towards returning New Zealanders, I don’t entirely understand. Why would moving to our neighbouring country be considered a disadvantage?

Our people fought along side by side in times of war. We honour them every year to ensure the future generations from both of our countries do not forget the sacrifices made to support the coalition under the Sovereignty of her majesty, the Queen of England.

Yet in Australia, they are detaining and deporting our people home for seemingly unjust and unfair imprisonment, minor infractions or prison sentences within their judicial system. What will happen to these people? The ones just like me who have come “home” to a land that does not want them and have been expelled from somewhere they thought was their home?

In New Zealand I am a mozzie.
In Australia I am a maori.
In South Auckland I am trespasser.
In my home I am an outsider.



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